Sunday 2 December 2012

Data Logging

We also learnt about data logging on week two (19th September 2012). Mr. Azmi had introduced about what is data logging and the use of data logging in our life. He had showed many examples about the application of data logging during class such as in the topic of fermentation and the bouncing sound. The important thing is that in data logging, there must be a sensor while carrying out the experiment. If we want to test the force, we need a force sensor. From this data logging, it is easy for us to observed the results. In data logging, we have to stick on the engage, empower, enhance and extension.
 Again, after we had learnt this topic, we had been given as assignment on data logging. We were asked to find any topic about that we can apply this data logging. My group and I choose the topic of buoyant force. In this topic, the most important principle is Archimedes Principle. We had completed this task by following the steps of engage, empower, enhance, and extension. I am satisfied after I had understand the content in this data logging. 

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