Data Logging-Buoyant Force

This is my third assignment on data logging. We had choosed the title on Buoyant Force.
Below is the results:

Buoyancy  is the ability to float. Buoyancy forces are formed by a principle called Archimedes principle. Archimedes principle said that buoyancy forces is directly proportional with drowned volume. Mathematically, Buoyancy force is: F =  ρ . g . V, where ρ is the density of fluid (water), g is gravity, and V is volume which is drowned.       
Any object that is completely or partially submerged in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. Everyone has experienced Archimedes’s principle. As an example of a common experience, recall that it is relatively easy to lift someone if the person is in a swimming pool whereas lifting that same individual on dry land is much harder. Evidently, water provides partial support to any object placed in it. The upward force that the fluid exerts on an object submerged in it is called the buoyant force.
According to the Archimedes’s principle, the magnitude of the buoyant force always equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. The buoyant force acts vertically upward through what was the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid.
F = W
Where F is the buoyant force and W is the weight of the displaced fluid. The units of the buoyant force and the weight are Newton (N).
          The buoyant force acting on the steel is the same as the buoyant force acting on a cube of fluid of the same dimensions. This result applies for a submerged object of any shape, size, or density.

Figure 1: Direction of buoyant force

The boat can float on water based on this principle. Boat has hull to get buoyancy force and makes the boat float. So, it is very important to keep hull safe. In the sea, corals are sometimes found in the sea. Hull can causes the boat drowned since hull is the source of buoyancy force.



                           Figure 2: Examples of application in buoyant force

  • ·        What is buoyant force?
  • ·        How buoyant force determine whether an object sinks or floats on water?
  • ·        Is there any different if the boat is floating on fresh water and salt water.
  • ·        What factors that influence buoyant force?
  • ·        What principle related to buoyant force?

Planning and doing an experiment:
Title : The effect of mass of different objects on the buoyant force.

Objective :
  •   Use a  Force Sensor to measure the weights of objects in and out of water
  •  Determine the weight of water displaced by each of the objects
  • Determine the relationship of depth of the immersed object to the buoyant force.

Hypothesis :
The magnitude of the buoyant force is directly proportional to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces.

Procedures :

Figure 3 : Computer Set Up

1.             Connect the Science Workshop interface to the computer, turn on the interface, 
          and turn on the computer. 
2.         Connect the DIN plug of the Force Sensor to Analog Channel A.
3.         Open the document titled as shown:

        ScienceWorkshop (Mac)
         ScienceWorkshop (Win)
       P13 Buoyant Force.DS
        P18 Buoyant Force

·        The DataStudio document has a Workbook display.
·        The ScienceWorkshop document has a Graph display with Force versus Depth.
·        Data recording is set for 1 Hz. Keyboard Sampling allows the user to enter the submerged depth in meters.

Figure 4: Equipment Set Up

  1. Mount the Force Sensor on a horizontal rod with the hook end down.
  2. Using the calipers, measure the diameter of the aluminium cylinder. From the diameter, calculate the radius and the cross-section area. Record the cross-section area in the Data Table in the Lab Report section.
  3. Hang the aluminium cylinder from the Force Sensor hook with a string.
  4. Put about 800 mL of water into the beaker and place the beaker on the lab jack below the hanging cylinder. The bottom of the cylinder should be touching the water. 
  5. Position the metric ruler next to the edge of the lab jack. Note the initial height of the top of the lab jack.

1.     With the cylinder attached to the Force Sensor hook, press the tare button on the Force Sensor to zero the sensor.
2.           Record Force vs. Depth data as you submerge the cylinder.

In DataStudio, move the Table display so you can see it clearly.
•        Click on the ‘Start’ button to start recording data. The ‘Start’ button changes to a ‘Keep’ and a ‘Stop’ button. The Force will appear in the first cell in the Table display. Click the ‘Keep’ button to record the force value.
•        Immerse the cylinder 1 millimeters (1 mm or 0.001 m) by raising the beaker of water 1 mm with the lab jack. Use the metric ruler to measure the distance that you raise the lab jack.
•        Click the Keep button to record the next Force value at the depth of 0.001 m.
•        Increase the depth of submersion by increments of 1 mm. After each increase in the submersion, wait for the force reading in the display to stabilize, then click the Keep button to record a Force value at the appropriate depth.
•        Repeat the data recording procedure until the top of the cylinder is submerged. Stop data recording by clicking on the ‘Stop’ button. Run #1 will appear in the Summary window.

In ScienceWorkshop, click the ‘REC’ button to begin collecting data. 
Figure 3 : Keyboard Sampling 
•        The ‘Keyboard Sampling’ window will open. Move it so you can also see the Digits display. The default value for ‘Entry #1’ is 10.000.
•        Because the cylinder is not submerged, type in ‘0’ as the depth. Click ‘Enter’ to record the depth and force values. The entered depth value will appear in the Data list.
•        Immerse the cylinder 1 millimeters (1 mm or 0.001 m) by raising the beaker of water 1 mm with the lab jack. Use the metric ruler to measure the distance that you raise the lab jack.
•        For ‘Entry #2’, type in ‘0.001’ (1 millimeters). Click ‘Enter’ to record the depth and force values.
•        Increase the depth of submersion by increments of 1 mm. After each increase in the submersion, wait for the force reading in the Digits display to stabilize, then click the Enter button to record a Force value at the appropriate depth.
•        Repeat the data recording procedure until the top of the cylinder is submerged. Stop data recording by clicking the ‘Stop Sampling’ button in the ‘Keyboard Sampling’ window.
•        The ‘Keyboard Sampling’ window will disappear. ‘Run #1’ will appear in the Data List in the Experiment Setup window.

                Repeat the procedure in part 2 for step 2 with the brass and copper.

Results :

Actual mass of sample

Diameter of sample (g)
Sample height (cm)
Density (ρ) H20 (g/cm3)
Apparent mass in H20 (g)

Calculation :

Actual weight of sample (cm/s2)
Density of sample (g/cm3)
Area of sample (cm2)
Volume of cylinder (cm3)
Displaced liquid volume= Fb

       Graph 1 : Force against depth graph
Discussion :
In this experiment, we study about the relationship water displaced and buoyancy force. Archimedes principle says that the buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. Thus, in short, buoyancy = weight of displaced fluid. This principle is useful for determining the volume and therefore the density of an irregularly shaped object by measuring its mass in air and its effective mass when submerged in water (density = 1 gram per cubic centimetre). This effective mass under water will be its actual mass minus the mass of the fluid displaced. The difference between the real and effective mass therefore gives the mass of water displaced and allows the calculation of the volume of the irregularly shaped object. The mass divided by the volume thus determined gives a measure of the average density of the object. Buoyancy shows that the buoyant force on a volume of water and a submerged object of the same volume is the same. Since it exactly supports the volume of water, it follows that the buoyant force on any submerged object is equal to the weight of the water displaced.
Based on the result of the experiment, we can see that as the mass of the object increase the volume of the fluid displaced also increase.  This means that the buoyant force is also increase since the formula for the buoyancy is equal to the weight of displaced fluid. 
For the force against depth graph, we can see that force is directly proportional to the depth.  As the depth of the immersed object increase, the magnitude of the buoyant force is also increase. 

1.     Why was the Force Sensor zeroed after the cylinder was attached to the hook?
The force sensor measures the net force that is the cylinder’s weight (downward force) minus the buoyant force (upward force).  By taring the force sensor when the cylinder was attached and out of water, the weight was accounted for during calibration and the sensor will now report only the buoyant (upward) force.

    2.     What is the effects of mass of sample to the buoyant force?
        The mass of sample will affect the magnitude of the buoyant force since formula           
        of the density is the mass over volume.  
   3.     In that experiment, what the objects give the lowest and highest buoyant force?
        The object that gives the lowest of buoyant force is the aluminium whereas the       
        object that gives the highest of buoyant force is the copper.  This results depend      
        on the density of that objects. 

As conclusion, an object that floats displaces the amount of water that has the same weight as the object. If it sinks, it displaces an amount of water that has less weight than the object.

The application of buoyant force play an  important roles in our daily life. Discuss the important of buoyancy control in diving?
Controlling buoyancy is a key component of your diving safety. The physics of floating and sinking are simple concepts, yet achieving practical control of your buoyancy when outfitted with scuba equipment and immersed in water is an entirely other matter. Each change in equipment affects your buoyancy. As your dive equipment grows more complex, the more attention your buoyancy requires. Given its role as a fundamental element of dive safety, it's no wonder problems with buoyancy control are often the underlying cause of a dive injury or fatality.
          Divers with proper buoyancy control can maintain their position with very little effort. They can descend or ascend at will. In contrast, divers with poor buoyancy-control skills struggle throughout the dive. In extreme situations, major buoyancy-control issues may cause divers to make grave errors such as descending well beyond their planned depth, negatively affecting gas consumption and no-decompression calculations, or on the flip side, uncontrolled ascents, increasing the risk of decompression illness. There is no doubt buoyancy control affects many aspects of dive safety. Experts in dive training, dive medicine and research all know just how integral it is and are always eager to share thoughts on how to develop and maintain good skills.


Good buoyancy begins with proper weighting. It is imperative the amount of weight you use allows you to descend, not causes you to do so. Weight placement makes a difference, too. A classic buoyancy-control device (BCD) is generally configured to require a separate weight belt, whereas newer BCDs often integrate the weights. Each approach affects a diver's body position in the water, requiring time and attention to get comfortable. Using rental gear can complicate the process, especially for new divers, as each change in configuration, responsiveness and other variables can alter a diver's comfort and buoyancy. Diving with a dry suit, a weight harness or a rebreather adds to the complexity.
The BCD is the most complex piece of scuba equipment a diver must master. To truly master buoyancy control, a diver must understand his BCD inside and out, including knowing how it reacts to the addition or venting of air. It requires proper maintenance (see "Gear," Alert Diver, Spring 2011) to prevent sticking buttons or leaking bladders. Malfunctioning BCDs can lead to uncontrolled ascents or descents before a diver even realizes what's happening. Like any piece of equipment, proper function requires proper maintenance. But lack of maintenance is not the only concern; operator error can also cause loss of control. Improperly connecting a low pressure inflator can cause negative buoyancy without a means to correct it. Hitting the inflator button instead of the vent button can cause a rapid ascent. Every diver needs to be familiar with his own equipment as well as his buddy's. In a stressful or emergency situation there may not be time to search for weight releases or inflator/deflator valves.

 Figure 5 : Diving Training

Dive Medicine

Many do not equate buoyancy skills with dive medicine, but there is definitely a connection. The most common dive injury is consistently middle-ear barotraumas. There are certainly many factors that lead to this injury, but buoyancy issues are often among them. Every diver is taught that if discomfort is felt during descent to stop the descent, ascend a few feet or until the discomfort resolves, and then attempt to equalize again. This is very difficult to execute without good buoyancy control. When experiencing a reverse block during ascent, a diver should stop the ascent, descend until the discomfort resolves and attempt ascent again using appropriate equalization manoeuvres. The ability to stabilize and adjust position in the water column certainly takes practice, but as a cornerstone skill, it's worth the effort.
          Most marine life injuries are due to incidental contact. Proper buoyancy helps divers avoid contact as it maintains necessary distance from marine life. It also prevents the destruction of the reef and the microscopic critters that live on sub aquatic surfaces, as buoyancy control reduces the need to place hands on those surfaces to steady a diver's position. Buoyancy skills not only protect divers but the environment as well.    
Finally, one of the most serious consequences of inadequate buoyancy control is a rapid ascent. This can place a diver at risk for a lung overexpansion injury (pulmonary barotraumas), and it also increases the risk of a potentially fatal arterial gas embolism (AGE). The easiest way to avoid both these injuries is to learn the best method of prevention good buoyancy.

Figure 6 : Barotraumas Ear

Figure 7 : Application of buoyant force

The application of buoyancy can be applied  to staying afloat on the water. In the early 1800s, a young Missippi River flat-boat operator submitted a patent application describing a device for “buoying vessels over shoals”. The invention proposed to prevent a problem he had often witnessed on the river-boats ground on sandbars-by equipping the boats with adjustable buoyant air chambers. The young man even whittles a model of his invention, but he was not destined for fame as an inventor; instead Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was famous for much else. In fact Lincoln had  a sound idea with his proposal to use buoyant force in protecting boats from running aground.
          Buoyancy on the surface of water has a number of easily noticeable effects in the real world. (Having established the definition of fluid, from this point onward, the fluids discussed will be primarily those most commonly experienced: water and air). It is due to buoyancy that fish, human swimmers, icebergs, and ships stay afloat. Fish offer an interesting application of volume change as a means of altering buoyancy: a fish has an interesting swim bladder, which is filled with gas. When it needs to rise or descend, it changes the volume in its swim bladder, which then changes its density. The examples of swimmers and icebergs directly illustrate the principle of density- on the part of the water in the first instance, and on the part of the object itself in the second.
          To a swimmer, the difference between swimming in fresh water and salt water shows that buoyant force depends as much on the density of the fluids as on the volume displaced. Fresh water has a density of 62.4lb/ft3 (9,925N/m3), whereas that of salt water is 64lb/ft3 (10,167N/m3). For this reason, salt water provides more buoyant force than fresh water; in Israel’s Dead Sea, the saltiest body of water on Earth, bathers experience an enormous amount of buoyant force.
          Water is an unusual substance in a number of regards, not least its behaviour as it freezes. Close to the freezing point, water thicken up, but once it turns to ice, it becomes less dense. This is why ice cubes and icebergs float. However, their low density in comparison to the water around them means that only part of an icebergs stay atop the surface. The submerged percentage of an iceberg is the same as the ratio of the density of ice to that of water: 89%.

·        Buoyancy is defined as the tendency of a fluid to exert a supporting upward
      force on a body placed in the fluid.  
·        Buoyant force must equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.
·     A solid object would float if the density of the solid object were less than the   density of the fluid and vice versa.

Air Consumption (2012). Retrieved on November 17, 2012 from

Buoyant Forces and Archimedes' Principle (2006). Retrieved on November 15, 2012 from

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J. Andrew Doyle (1999). Swimming. Retrieved on November 15, 2012 from

The importance of buoyancy-driven water flow in Sphagnum dominated peat bogs (2011). Retrieved on November 18, 2012 from

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